Saturday, March 31, 2012

Frugal MLP shorts

I have had this pile of Lizzy's jeans in my "mend" pile for about 4 months. OOPS! We have already acquired new jeans for her and I was tempted to just toss the whole pile. The crafter in me halted my purge, and the idea for hand made jeans arose. I wanted Lizzy to be a part of this project, so we sat down together and brainstormed ways to make these the cutest jean shorts ever. :)
Thanks to McDonalds and morning cartoons, My Little Pony is a big theme in our house lately. Not to mention the drama of school bus show and tell. ;P (Ahhh... the joys of childhood.) So we decided to embellish with cutie marks. A few google searches later, and I have found the perfect template for my cutie marks. I decided I wanted to try my hand at embroidering again. Its been a few years since my last attempt. But i recently came across my hoop, and the idea has been growing at the back of my mind

Im doing simple cross stitch. Just making Xs where each pixo-dot-thingy is. I'm pretty much winging it. lol. Lizzy approved the apple i made for apple jack. I'm working on balloons for pinkie pie at the moment. I will post pictures soon. :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Hello World!

    Well where does one begin? Hmmm.. the beginning sounds like as good a place as any, and since my beginning is relatively recent, well that shouldn't be too hard right? My very first introduction to the craft world was crocheting, I would sit and watch my mom for hours crocheting dozens upon dozens of granny squares. More to get me out of her hair than anything else, she sacrificed one of her size H hooks a skein of yarn, and tried for a short while to teach me. I never learned through her, but was able to come across a detailed book with great pictures one summer and I taught myself to crochet. Well more specifically I taught myself stitches and how to make them, and then promptly forgot pretty much anything that didn't pertain to making granny squares. I was 13, I only needed what I was going to use. ah to be young and naive. I fiddled with crocheting, not really ever making anything, until I was 17/18.
     My boyfriend's mom is an AVID crafter and in an effort to connect with her, and a way to expel my creative energy i took it up again more seriously. I perfected my favorite Granny Square pattern (which I will be writing up and posting on here shortly) After i had found the addiction, crafting expanded in my life in a BIG way. Most of my items were made for my daughter, scrap books, blankies, etc, or my husband, blankies, scrapbooks etc. or myself, blankies, scrap books, purses, etc... lol. do u see a pattern??? HA HA HA. yea scrap booking was an early beginning for me as well. I never really got good at it though like i have with crochet, and even at my level i know i am not the best and i can always do better.
    I have tried my hand at some odds and ends, usually quick crafts that i only tried once. like decoupage, LOVED it, but only tried it once. why? i have no idea. i have meant to try it again but nothing has really leaped out at me and screamed "make me make me!" After we moved away from family I knew I needed to get involved in a craft, something to keep me occupied and not thinking about how far away everyone was. Enter sewing... specifically at that time quilting. well sort of. i took a beginners quilting class.. my first real experience with my sewing machine. the long time quilters took mercy on me (sweet women they are) and showed me the ins and outs of how to make my sewing machine (a gift from a dear friend) to stitch things together, how to cut fabric properly, how to block, and press... the whole shebang...well except the actual quilting process, funny enough. i made a decent sized quilt top, and i have the fabric that was supposed to be the binding and back, i used the batting a long time ago. i just never quilted the pieces together... woopsy! oh well. i am still proud of my accomplishment. Since then i mostly mended with my machine but recently made some doll clothes for my daughter's american girl doll, and then decided i was going to make a costume or 2. I'm really wanting to make clothing, but i think i need to see how my costumes come out.... so far my pirate costume is looking stellar (in my humble opinion) i will be posting pictures of this soon... and that is all for now i believe. til next time!! *hugs*